Undisturbed tropical moist forest
Degraded forest with short-duration disturbance (started before 2013)
Degraded forest with short-duration disturbance (started in 2013-2021)
Degraded forest with long-duration disturbance (started before 2013)
Degraded forest with long-duration disturbance (started in 2013-2021)
Degraded forest with 2/3 short degradation periods (last degradation started before 2013)
Degraded forest with 2/3 short degradation periods (last degradation started in 2013-2021)
Old forest regrowth (disturbed before 2003)
Young forest regrowth (disturbed in 2003-2012)
Very young forest regrowth (disturbed in 2013-2019)
Deforestation started before 2012
Deforestation started in 2012-2019
Deforestation started in 2020
Deforestation started in 2021
Deforestation started in 2022
Degradation started in 2022
Degraded mangrove (started before 2013)
Mangrove recently degraded (2013 -2021)
Mangrove regrowing (at least 10 years - 2013-2022)
Mangrove regrowing (at least 3 years - 2020-2022)
Mangrove deforested (started before 2012)
Mangrove deforested (started in 2013-2019)
Mangrove recently disturbed (started in 2020-2022)
Deforestation to permanent water
Deforestation to seasonal water
Plantation regrowing (disturbed before 2013)
Plantation regrowing (disturbed in 2013-2019)
Conversion to tree plantation (deforestation started before 2012)
Conversion to tree plantation (deforestation started in 2013-2019)
Recent conversion to plantation (started in 2020-2022)
Other land cover without afforestation
Young afforestation (between 3 and 9 years of regrowth)
Old afforestation (between 10 and 20 years of regrowth)
Water converted recently into forest regrowth (at least 3 years)